Mukhanyo Theological College – Letter (for support)

Non Profit Company 2003/014401/08 Plot 1 Solomon Mahlangu Drive
Registered PBO 930035173 Tel: +27 (0)13 947 2179
Fax: +27 (0)867320025a
PO  Box 594
KwaMhlanga     1022
Republic of South Africa
Registered in South Africa with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997.
Registration Certificate No. 2009/HE08/002.

Mukhanyo Distance – 25 June 2014 – To Whom It May Concern:

Greetings in the name of Christ our King!

Mukhanyo’s mission is to give glory to God by equipping pastors and other Christians in Africa. Our vision is to be a decentralized training network with multiple sites of delivery in Africa that provides biblical education for church and society. We offer education at various levels and within several disciplines, including theological studies and teachers training. The multiethnic body of students at Mukhanyo receives biblical in-service training for ministry in the African context.

Mukhanyo serves churches by equipping their pastors and other Christians for promoting the growth of Christ’s kingdom. Mukhanyo has more than thirty-five Distance learning sites in southern Africa where we offer Biblical content and seeks to promote the ongoing reformation of the church in Africa.

We encourage you to consider helping, supporting, recommending students and endorse a new Mukhanyo Distance Group in Bumala, Kenya which is led by Rev. Eric Ngala Mutumbi. He could use support for students, with transport and administration costs for the tutor. He currently has 15 students enrolled in the Mukhanyo Distance Diploma programme.

Mukhanyo Theological College is accredited by the South African government. The College is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997, Registration Certificate No. 2009/HE08/002. Therefore, Mukhanyo Distance is able to provide the same recognition to students as on campus students with the appropriate assessments.

The learning method is a DVD Format: The study material is developed from actual classrooms with experienced lecturers, providing study content in a visual learning experience with In Field Tutors: Students study in groups with a facilitator in the field providing local discipleship and a context for practical discussion. There are more than fifty full-time campus-based theological students. We also train school teachers at our KwaMhlanga campus.

The Mukhanyo Distance programme continues to grow. Overall there are about 600 students (full-time and part-time) with over 325 enrolled in the Distance programme. Our various annual conferences and other Mukhanyo media productions in several languages are serving many local Christians.

Please visit our website at to learn more about the ministry. Please also pray for Mukhanyo ministry as we work to equip church and community leaders in Africa.

Yours truly,
Jane Korevaar
Mukhanyo Distance Director Cell: 27 73 608 6529 Email:

Directors: Rev Samson Nhlongo, BTh BA.Hons (Chair); Dr Brian A deVries, BBA M.Div Th.M Ph.D (Principal); Mr Jan L Coetzer, B.Comm Hons.BAdmin MBA; Rev Jack Lekalakala, BA.Hons MA; Mr A (Eddy) Niezen, B.Compt.Hons; MrWillem Pretorius, BBA; Revirving Steggies, MA(Oxon); Mr Roel Stolper, Higher Nat Dipi Eng (Electric); and Mr Jac CL vander Walt, BSc Eng (Indust).